
Who’s Ready to Get Googley?

In my new book, Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google, I share 20 “Googley Lessons” that the Big G can teach marketers to help them better engage customers and prospects.

Over the past 10 days I’ve “appeared” at 30 blogs as part of a blog tour promoting my book. It’s just one way I’ve been practicing what I preach in chapter 5, “Be Where Your Audience Is.”

From a Google standpoint, you don’t have to go to to search. You can Google something from other sites via Google syndication or toolbar. You can Google from your desktop. You can Google from your phone, etc. In order to generate more queries, and, of course, revenue, Google make its brand and product accessible wherever anyone with an internet connection is.

So, too, must marketers break their brands up into assets that can be distributed into channels where their audiences are — social media, blogs, even offline environments.

My book was written for marketers. So, I’ve tried to be everywhere marketers are. Rather than make everyone interact with me and my book in a bookstore or at, I’ve distributed myself via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, my digital marketing blog, MediaPost, and every stop on this blog tour.

The content for my blog tour has been a mix of guest posts, Q&A, and videos. Just like I’d recommend any marketer to customize their message for the unique audience and environment, I’ve tired to do the same with my blog tour appearances.

Today, for SEOMoz, I’ve created a custom video that keeps with the Whiteboard Friday theme. I’ve even included a dramatic reading from my book featuring an excerpt of an interview with SEOMoz CEO, Rand Fishkin. And, as with all the other videos, I close with a freestyle rap. This one begins with a little Hava Nagila action in honor of the Jewish New Year.

Please enjoy and, remember, whenever you need marketing inspiration, get Googley!

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